Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lunch at Lobster Pool, Rockport, MA

ボストンは今日もいいお天気。今日はちょっと遠出 (といっても家から車で40分ほどですが) して、Rockport というところまでお昼ご飯を食べにやってきました。今回訪れたのは Lobster Pool というお店。

It was the beautiful weather in Boston today again.  So we drove to Rockport (40~45 min drive from Boston) for lunch.  The place we chose today was "Lobster Pool".
室内でも食べられますが、私達はもちろん外のテーブルで海を見ながらお食事。外なら Poirot とも一緒にいられます。

Food can be served inside, but of course we ate at the outside table to take advantage of the nice weather and a beautiful view - in addition, Poirot can stay with us!
私は今年初のロブスターロールを注文。ロブスターがごろごろ入ってます。これを食べると夏がやってきたな~と感じます (まだ4月ですが)。

I ordered a lobster roll - this was the first lobster roll I had this year!  It had many big chunks of lobster meat - pretty good.
夫は Fisherman's Platter という、海老、帆立、白身魚、そして蛤のフライ (+フレンチフライ) のセットにしました。これにコールスローも付いてきます。特に帆立が新鮮でおいしかったです。

My husband ordered the Fisherman's Platter which came with shrimp, clams, scallops and haddock (along with french fries and coleslaw).  My favorite was scallops which were fresh, sweet and succulent.

After the lunch, we found a beach on the way to the city center - there was nobody in the beach.
波打ち際を歩く Poirot。何かめぼしいものでも落ちてないかと砂浜の上を探し回ってます。

Poirot walked on the beach, looking for something good (or edible?) there.

But suddenly the water came very close to him and he got scared and backed up... 

He also licked the water - of course he didn't know it was salty and he looked shocked a bit.

Then we came to the city center - lots of tourists around here.

We saw many boats which were for catching lobsters.

Colorful lobster traps and buoys were beautifully displayed - I think these are for sale. 
さらに歩いて海沿いまでやって来ました。高いところもへっちゃらの Poirot は岩の上に飛び乗って得意顔。

We continued to walk and came to the shore.  He likes to climb up high places, so he jumped up onto a big rock - he looked he was very proud of himself...
この石でできた道 (?) の先に小さな灯台のようなものが立っていたのですが、私のはいてた靴ではこんなところは歩けないので行きませんでした。でも一番先までいってる人たちも結構いました。

You can walk on the rocks to the end where a tiny lighthouse (?) is standing.  But my shoes were not appropriate for walking on these rocks so we didn't go.  I saw a quite few people walking there, though.
あるお店の前に大きな犬のぬいぐるみがあったのですが、Poirot はそれを本物の犬だと思って吠えてました。ちょっと怖かったみたいです。笑える。

Poirot found a big stuffed dog was in front of a shop - he thought it was a real dog and barked at it.  He is so funny!
アイスクリームを買って休憩したのですが、相変わらず食べ物には目がない Poirot はすぐにかぎつけて私のひざに前足を立てかけ、おねだり。全神経をアイスクリームに集中って感じでじ~っとアイスクリームを見つめます。仕方ないのでほんのちょっぴりおすそ分けしてやりました。

We took a break and got some ice cream.  As soon as I came out of the shop with the ice cream, Poirot found it out and begged for his share.  He was really focusing on the ice cream and never took his eyes off it...  I felt sorry for him and gave him a little bit (he was very happy).

And he totally crashed in the car on teh way home as usual....

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