Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trip to Taiwan-Japan Day 7 (2)(台北 (Taipei))


After the big lunch, we came to the Longshan temple.

There are always so many people visiting this temple - not only tourists, but also locals (young and old).

The decorations of the entrance gate are very delicate and beautiful.
私もお線香を買ってお参りしました。ちなみにお線香の柄の部分をずっと持っていると、色素が落ちて手がまっ赤に染まってしまいます (だから手袋をもはめている人がたくさんいたんだと後で気づいたときにはもう遅かった...ウェットティッシュで拭いてもなかなか取れませんでした)。

I bought some incenses for prayers.

What is this gold man on the incense stand...?

This incense stand is normal - decorated with dragons...

After praying, we tried "omikuji" (drawing your fortunes written on a piece of paper).  First, you have to ask God if you can try it by using two pieces of wood - you throw them on the ground, and one of them should show the front side, and the other one the back side (you can try up to 3 times)..
私は1発でOK! ちなみに夫は3度目でやっとお許しが出ました。その後はこの木の棒を引いてそこに書いてある番号のおみくじをもらいます (ちなみに料金は多分無料)。

I was successful at my first try (my husband need to try 3 times!).  Then after God allowed us to try "omikuji", we each picked one of these long wooden sticks (each stick has a number on it and you get the paper with that number).
48番を引いた夫のくじは大吉! 詳しい意味は分かりませんでしたが、大体どんなことが書いてあるのかは理解できます。書式は日本のおみくじとそっくりです。私は41番を引いたのですが、これには吉とも凶とも書いてなくて総合運は分からなかったのですが、まあ良くも悪くもないってことでしょうか?

My husband's number was 48 (left one on the picture), which said "very good luck"!!  My number was 41, which said my fortune is so-so, not too bad but not too good, either...

As the name of this temple suggests (literal translation is "dragon mountain" temple; same name as the one we visited several days ago in Taichung), dragon motifs decorated everywhere.

A dragon here, too.

And here.
お参り後はすぐ近くにある鮮芋仙で休憩。このお店、昔は台北のあちこちにあったのですが、最近どんどん減ってき手経営所応対がよくないのかなあなんて心配してしまいます。2人でタピオカ (粉圓)、芋圓と粉粿のデザートを半分こ。芋圓はおいしかったですが、粉粿は小南門の方が断然おいしいです。

We left the temple, and took a break at a nearby dessert shop, Meet Fresh.  We shared a bowl full of sweets (tapioca, taro balls, etc).

After having the dessert, I got a severe stomachache (I guess I had eaten too much in the past few days), so we went home and took some rest.  Since this was the last night in Taiwan, we wanted to have nice dinner, but gave up and went back to our favorite porridge restaurant.

The sauteed bamboo shoots.

The stewed dried tofu and small fish - I didn't like it very much...


One of our favorites, the small fish and green vegetable.

Another one of our favorites, fried willow fish.

This is the vegetable ("dragon's whisker") we had at Slack Season a few days ago.  By the time we finished our dinner, I was totally recovered.  We spent a good time with our family and enjoyed so many different kinds of good food in Taiwan again. Hope we can go back there soon!

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