Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trip to Taiwan-Japan Day 5 (2)(台中 (Taichung))


We then visited another temple, Longshan temple.  This temple seems to be a national treasure.

The temple looked very old and simple (it didn't look so valuable at a first sight).

As it's name suggested (Longshan temple means "Dragon mountain" temple), dragon motifs were on the roof of the gate.

The color of the painting on the door of the gate was already faded, but it must have been very vivid and colorful at the time it was painted.
天井には“藻井”と呼ばれるとっても美しい細工 (中国伝統の天井の一種の装飾) がしてあります。釘は1本も使っていないそうです。

The ceiling of the gate was decorated beautifully - this decoration is called "caisson" or "spider-web ceiling".  No nails were used to make this.

And in the middle of the decoration was the dragon painting.
中庭にはガジュマルの木があって、木陰では近所のおっちゃん (多分) が昼寝してました。

Two Chinese Banyan trees were in the court yard and a local (I guess) old man was taking a nap under one of the trees.
その奥に本堂 (後殿) があります。

Inside was the main hall.

Dragons were hiding in the ceiling and columns of the main hall! 

Of course the incense holder had dragon decorations as well.  I found many more dragon motifs everywhere. 

After visiting the temple, we walked to "Mo-ru Alley".
入り口には摸乳巷のサインがあって、落書きがいっぱい。どうやら落書きOKのようです (落書きしてもいいと書いてありました)。

At the entrance was the sign of Mo-ru Alley.
摸乳巷とは何かというと、長さ100mほどの超狭い路地。胸がこすれる (摸乳) くらい細い道という意味らしいです。確かに狭い!太いアメリカ人 (じゃなくてもいいのですが) なら絶対通れない!ちなみに両側のレンガ造りの家は廃屋だそうです。

Mo-ru Alley is the very narrow alley, only as wide as a person's regular body width (direct translation of Mo-ru is "touching breast").  It is really narrow.  If you are a big person, you may not be able to go through this alley...

Then we left the city of Lukang and headed to Taichung.  The first place we visited in Taichung was Chun Shui Tang - our favorite tea house.

The must-order item here is the milk tea with tapioca.  Tapioca served here is always soooo soft and good - the best tapioca I've ever had.  Also their tea has very good flavor and is not overly sweet - the BEST!

It was a bit chilly to me, so I ordered the hot milk tea with tapioca.  This was very good, too!
お茶請けの小皿も何品か注文。これはタロ芋と糯米の粉を混ぜて揚げたもの (芋頭糕)。

We also ordered several small dishes to enjoy with our tea.  This is the fried taro cake.
スルメを炙ったもの (烤小捲)。

The grilled dried squid.
そしてイカのすり身のお団子 (花枝丸)。おいし。

And these are the grilled squid balls.  Yum.

In the evening we checked in a hotel in the city and took a nap (again) until the dinner time...

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