Thursday, December 29, 2011

Trip to NYC - DC - NJ - Day 2 (1)

昨日は早起きした上に長時間のドライブでとても疲れていたため朝は遅くまでゆっくりし、Poirot とホテルの周りを散歩したりした後、お昼ごはんを食べるためホテルを出発しました。予約していたレストランは中華街の近くにあったので、時間まで中華街をうろうろ。

We were exhausted last night as we woke up early and also drove a long distance, so we slept until late this morning.  We had the light breakfast in our room, and then took a walk with Poirot around our hotel.  Then we left our hotel for lunch.  The restaurant that I booked is located near China Town, so we walked around there for a while.
ここの中華街はボストンやニューヨークのとは違い、なぜかあまり中華レストランがありません。あるのはアメリカのチェーンレストランばかりで、中華街らしいといえるのはお店の名前が英語と中国語の両方で書いてあるところくらい。ちなみにボストン発祥のシーフードレストラン、リーガルシーフードの中国名はそのまま “海鮮酒家”。もうちょっとひねりが欲しいような。

This China Town, unlike the one in Boston (or NY or most of other cities) has only a few Chinese restaurants, and most of other shops/restaurants are American chains.  Only thing that tells we are in China Town is that shop names are written in both English and Chinese.  The Chinese name of Legal Seafood is just “seafood restaurant”…
こちらはハンバーガーチェーン店。中国名は “世界最高のバーガー” だそうです。

The Chinese characters under “FUDDRUCKERS” sign say “the best burger in the world”!
さてさて、お昼の時間になったのでお目当てのレストラン、Zaytinya へやってきました。ここはギリシャ・トルコ・レバノンなどの地中海・中東料理のお店です。

After walking around, we arrived at the restaurant, Zaytinya for lunch.  This restaurant serves   Mediterranean/Middle Eastern foods (Greek/ Turkish/Lebanese) in small-plate style. 
パンにつけるオリーブオイルにはバルサミコ酢でお店のイニシャル、Z と書かれています。

The initial of the restaurant (Z) written with the balsamic vinegar in the olive oil.

We got puffy pita bread – it was yummy~
私達は2人とも、お昼のお得なコースメニュー (4品) にしてみました。私の選んだ一品目はババ・ガヌージュ。焼いたお茄子のペーストです。これをピタブレッドにつけて食べるとおいしい~。

We both ordered the mezze lunch (4 curses).  My first course was the baba ghannouge (fire-roasted eggplant, tahini, lemon, garlic).  It was a perfect match with the pita bread.

My husband chose "Bantijan bil laban" - the crispy eggplant, roasted garlic-yogurt sauce.  These were crunchy outside, very soft inside and also matched well with the yogurt sauce.  I loved this dish.
私の2品目はオルゾ (リゾーニ) というショートパスタとチキンのトマトソース和え。トマトの酸味が効いています。

My second dish is called "Kotopoulo Youbetsi" -chicken, orzo, tomato, kefalograviera cheese.  I liked acidity of the tomato sauce.

My husband's second dish, "Garides me anitho" - sautéed shrimp, dill, shallots, mustard, lemon juice. The shrimp were plump and succulent.

Both of our third dishes were in the containers made of copper,

My husband chose "Adana kebab" - skewered ground lamb, house-made harissa, grilled tomatoes, sumac, onions.  I don't like lamb, so I didn't taste it, but my husband said it was good.
私はチキンのグリル。チキンはジューシーに焼きあがっていました。にんにくのソース (トマトの横にある白いもの) がお肉の味を引き立ててくれます。

Mine was "Shish Taouk" - grilled chicken, sumac, onions, grilled tomatoes, garlic tuom.  The chicken was very tender and juicy, and went well with the garlic sauce (white stuff next to tomatoes).

And lastly the dessert.  Mine was the Greek apricots and yogurt (marinated apricots, vanilla yogurt cream, apricot sorbet, pistachio powder).  This Greek yogurt was fattier (in a good way) than those ones you can get in a supermarket.

My husband ordered the Turkish delight (walnut ice cream with goat’s milk yogurt mousse, honey gelee).  I loved the ice cream!  Everything we had was tasty and we were very satisfied!
昼食の後は Poirot と一緒にナショナルモールをお散歩。国会議事堂をバックに Poirot の写真を撮っていると、他の観光客もなぜか彼の写真を撮り始めました。Poirot は人気者やね~。

After the lunch, we walked around the national Mall with Poirot. We were taking pictures of Poirot with the Capitol, and another tourist wanted to take a picture of him as well!  He is a popular boy!
ちなみに私がまだ学生のころ初めてDCに来た時、地図に “Mall” とあるのをを見て、DCにはすご~く大きなショッピングモールがあると勘違いしてしまい、実際行ってみてびっくりしたことがあります。あの頃の自分の無知さに笑えてきます。

By the way, when I came to the DC first time (I was a grad student), I saw the "Mall" on the map and thought it was a huge shopping mall!  Then I arrived at the "Mall", only to find out it was not for shopping!!  I didn't know a thing at that time!
議事堂の前庭に飾ってあったクリスマスツリーと Poirot。最近はカメラを向けると目線をくれるようになりました!

We took another picture of Poirot with the Christmas tree in the front yard of the Capitol. 

Then we visited several of Smithsonian museums.  It's nice that we can visit these museums for free!  This one is the National Museum of the American Indian.

Outside the museum are several models of Indian houses (I guess).

The statue of the American Indian.

I forgot what this was, but like its humorous face!

My favorite museum during this trip is The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.  This is the museum of contemporary and modern art.  There are many sculptures surrounding the building as well.
これは "Spatial Concept: Nature" という名前のついた作品。ルチオ・フォンタナ作です。

This is the work named "Spatial Concept: Nature" by Lucio Fontana.
これはフアン・ムニョス作の "Last Conversation Piece" (の一部)。

This is (the part of)  "Last Conversation Piece" by Juan Muñoz.
ピカソ作の "Woman with Baby Carriage".  なんか警備の人もあんまりいなくて、簡単に作品に触ったりできそう (もちろん触ってないですが)。

"Woman with Baby Carriage" by Pablo Picasso.  I didn't see many security guards and it appeared very easy to touch these art pieces (of course I didn't touch them, though).
こちらはジョアン・ミロ作の "Woman (Personage)".

This is by Joan Miró, called "Woman (Personage)".
ジャコメッティもあります。この作品は "Reclining Woman Who Dreams"。この他にもアンディー・ウォーフォルのエキシビジョン等もあって、かなり楽しめました。

Alberto Giacometti's work was also there.  The title of this piece is "Reclining Woman Who Dreams".  They also had the exhibition of Andy Warhol, and I really enjoy this museum.

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