Saturday, November 26, 2011

Trip to London, UK - Day 4 (3)


To go for the last dinner in London, we walked to the restaurant we booked.  The streets were beautifully decorated with illuminations.
これが今夜のレストラン、Roganic です。これはミシュラン一つ星レストラン、L’Enclume のシェフ Simon Rogan が2年限定でロンドンに今年オープンしたレストランです。2年限定と聞いては、次いつロンドンに来られるかわからない身としては試してみずにはおれません。

This is tonight’s restaurant, Roganic.  This is the two year pop up restaurant opened earlier this year, and owned by Simon Rogan who also owns a Michelin one star restaurant, L’Enclume.  Since it will last for only 2 years, I couldn’t resist trying this restaurant as I don’t know when we can visit London next time.
メニューは10コースのテイスティングメニューのみ (ベジタリアンのテイスティングメニューもあります)。

They offered only one menu – 10-course tasting menu (they also had the vegetarian version).

The amuse bouche was the pork shoulder (I believe..).  The black thin stuff on the side of the plate was called “squid ink paper” – crackers kneaded with squid ink.

The organic butter was served on the stone again.   I wonder if a stone can improve the taste of butter or something…

The bread was served in a wooden tray.  But I realized during this trip that I don’t like British bread very much…
一品目は Isle of Mull というブルーチーズ入りの雑穀のプディング。焦がした洋ナシが上に乗っています。

The first dish, millet pudding with grains, burnt pear and Isle of Mull blue.

Oh~, this was very creamy and tasty.  I liked the texture of millet as well.
2品目はbraddock white という鴨の卵のスモーク。

The second dish, smoked braddock white, pickled roots, ox eye daisy and salt beef.

I’d never had an egg cooked like this before.  The yolk was not runny, but not hard and totally different from the typical egg dish – my first experience with such texture and flavor.  Very interesting.
3品目はラングスティン (ノルウェイロブスター) のローストと塩で〆た岩魚 (?)。

The third dish, roasted langoustine, cured char, purple sprouting and chokeberry vinaigrette.
このラングスティンがなんともおいしい! でもすご~く小さい! 後10匹くらい食べたかった!

This langoustine was amazing – sooo flavorful and delicious.  But the portion was too small – I wanted to eat 10 more…


The forth dish, poached and grilled king oyster mushroom, pine, beetroot and coastal sea leaves.   The flavor of mushroom was strongly enhanced by poaching/grilling and it was very good but we got only a tiny piece of mushroom…

The fifth dish, golden cauliflower, sour cream, raisin, grilled lettuce and yarrow.  It was yet again very flavorful and unique but too small….
6品目、Mr. Little’s Yetholm Gypsies とういブランド (?) のジャガイモを鶏の脂で調理したもの。

The sixth dish, Mr. Little’s Yetholm Gypsies cooked in chicken fat, snow peas, cured and clam juice.
これもおいしいのですが、6品 (+ アミューズとパン) 食べてもまったくおなかが膨れてきません。10コースのうち2つはデザートなので、お料理はこの後残り2品。ちょっと心配になってきました。

OK.  This dish is very tasty again. But after 6 dishes, I didn’t feel stuffed at all. Two out of the 10 courses were desserts, so we had only 2 dishes left at this point.  I was a bit worried that I could be still hungry after the dinner…

The seventh dish, dab bakes in fennel salt, sea beet, parsley root and watermint.
お魚はもちろんおいしかったのですが、この中で私が一番気に入ったのは根っこつきの葱 (?) をグリルしたもの。葱の甘味が凝縮されていて最高でした。

The fish was tasty, of course, but my favorite in this dish was the scallion (?) with its roots still intact.  It was very thin and not much to eat, but was sweet as sugar.

The eighth dish, Yorkshire pheasant, pumpkin, muesli and buckshorn plantain.

The pheasant itself was very light in flavor.  But it changed to interesting taste when eaten with the sauce and other stuff on the plate.

The ninth dish, warm salted chocolate, toasted almonds and heritage apple sorbet.  The chocolate was served from the spray can at our table.  It was quite salty.

The last dish - Bilberries, dried caramel, natural yogurt and iced lemon thyme.

I loved this natural yogurt - very smooth yet rich.
温かいミルクシェークのようなものが出てきました。お料理は今まで聞いたことのないような食材 (説明してもらっても知らないものばっかりでした) を一つのお皿にたくさん使っていて、どれもすごく丁寧に作ってあって本当においしかったのですが、量がちょっと少なすぎるような。隣に座っていたドイツ人の男性は食事が進むにつれてだんだん無口になってきてました。小柄な私でも (いくら大食いだとはいえ) 量が少ないと思うくらいだから大柄な彼にはかなり物足りなかったんじゃないかと心配になってきました。

Then we were served with something like warm milk shake.  All the dishes were very interesting – with rare (at least to me) but very fresh ingredients and different tastes / textures in one plate and I loved them all.  But only problem was that the portions were too small… A German guy sitting next to our table were getting quieter and quieter as his dinner progressed – I believe the amounts of food were too small for him who was rather big (even for me (I’m small albeit I eat a lot) the food was too little to get totally stuffed).

Espresso at the end of the meal.
最後に出てきた小さなケーキ。もし今からプランを立てるなら、このレストランはお昼に来て、夜はこの間ランチを食べた Ledbury で食べるのがいいかと思います。

And lastly the petit fours.   If I could start over this trip, I would choose this restaurant for lunch and have dinner at Ledbury (where we had lunch2 days ago).

We took a Tube from the Baker Street Station to get back to the hotel.

At this station, walls are decorated with Sherlock Holmes motifs.  These are the tiles with Holmes's profile.
そのほかにも小説にちなんだポスターもいろいろあります。これは "赤毛組合" の一場面。"赤毛組合"、小さいころに読んだな~と懐かしく思いながらやって来た地下鉄に乗り込みました。明日は帰国です。楽しい時間はあっという間に過ぎてしまいますね。

Also, many posters regarding the stories were shown on the platform walls.  This is for "The Adventure of the Red-Headed League".  I read this story when I was a kid...  It was a long time ago.... Tomorrow we have to go back to the US - time flies (especially when it's happy time).

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