Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trip to Montreal - Day 3


Today was our last day in Montreal.  Since we wanted to avoid traffic jams, we left for Boston soon after the breakfast.
でもどうしても昨日行った Marché Atwater 内にあるパン屋さん、Premiére Moisson のパンを買って帰りたかったので立ち寄ってみました。いろいろなパンがあってどれにしようか迷ってしまいます。

But I wanted to get some bread at Premiére Moisson inside Marché Atwater that we visited yesterday, we stopped there on the way. 
クロワッサン (普通のやアーモンド入りのもの) やバゲットなどいろいろ買い込んでしまいました。

There were so many varieties and it was tough to decide which ones to bring with me, but I got some basic stuff (croissants, baguette, etc) - by the way they were very, very good.
国境を越えるのにパスポートコントロールのところでちょっと待たなければなりませんでしたが、無事アメリカに戻ってくることができました (別に何も悪いことしてないのにいつもちょっとどきどきしてしまいます)。

We had to wait in line to go through the passport control at the border, but thankfully we could return to US without any incident. 
ボストンまでの道のりの途中に私たちが年に1度位の頻度で訪れる Simon Pearce があると気づいたので遅めのランチを食べることに。バーモント州の Quechee というところにあります。

While driving, we noticed that Simon Pearce was on the way and decided to stop by for late lunch.  It's in Quechee, Vermont, and we visit there once a year or so.

The iced tea and raspberry fizz. 
ここはとても景色の良いところにあるのですが、今日はあまりお天気が良くなく、食べている途中で雨が降ってきました (去年来たときの写真はこちら)。

The restaurant is located just by the river, and usually you can enjoy beautiful view, but today ithe weather was not very nice and during our lunch it started raining (the pictures from our last visit are here).

The bread was buttermilk scones and Irish bread, as usual.  I don't really like the Irish bread, but love their scones.

I ordered the quiche with smoked salmon, artichokes, etc.

My husband chose the braised pork shoulder.  The meat was very tender and juicy, but the sauce was sweet and tasted like between ketchup and BBQ sauce which I didn't like.  It was raining hard after the lunch, so we did not walk around and just left for Boston.

On the way, the rain was getting harder and harder and we couldn't see anything.  We drove very slowly for nearly 1 hour and finally passed the storm.  It was very thrilling!  My husband had to concentrate on driving very carefully, and got very tired afterwards...
途中で Poirot 君を預かってもらっていた友人の家に立ち寄って彼を引き取ってきました。合いたかったよ~、Poirot 君!。

And finally we stopped at our friends' house to pick up Poirot.  We missed you very much, Poirot!!!

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