Friday, August 19, 2011

Trip to Montreal - Day 1 (2)

次にやって来たのは先程のワイナリーのすぐ近くにある L’Orpailleur というワイナリー。

Next, we visited another winery, L’Orpailleur.

Wine barrels are decorated in front of the building.

Inside the building, tools and equipment that were used in old days to make wine are displayed. 
かなりたくさんの瓶を立てかけられるワインラック。私の家でも使えそう (とはいってもこんなにたくさんのワインは持っていませんが)。

A huge wine rack with many bottles.  I want one like this at home (although I don't own many bottles).
これは何をするためのものか良くわかりませんでしたが (葡萄を搾るもの?) とりあえず取っ手を持って回してみました。私たちは時間が合わなかったので参加はしませんでしたが、ここはガイド付のツアーがあるようです。

I don't know how this was used in the wine-making process (to squeeze juice out of grapes?).  I believe guided tours are offered although we did not participate because of time limitations.
ざっと建物の中を見学した後は、売店でワインテイスティング。まずはお店の人のお勧め、グレーワイン (Cuvée Spéciale - Vin Gris)。白葡萄2種と赤葡萄1種を混ぜたもので、確かにちょっとグレーがかった色をしています。ライチ (とマンゴー? 忘れた… ) の香りがするといわれたので匂いでみると本当にライチの匂い!! 夫は何か香料を入れているのかという恥ずかしい質問をお店の人にしていました。そんな訳ないし!! 勿論お店の人は添加物は全く入れてなくて自然のものだと説明してくれました。味はフルーティーでほんの少ーし甘くてかなり気に入ったので2本購入。

After walking around the building and learning the each step of wine-making process (I didn't know red wine and white wine are made in different ways), we stopped at the shop and did wine tasting again.  First we tried "gray wine" (Cuvée Spéciale - Vin Gris).  Its name came from its color (grayish).  The lady at the shop told us that the wine had the lychee (and other fruits (mango?) that I forgot) flavor.  It really smells like lychee.  My husband asked the lady if this lychee aroma was from added chemicals.  What a shameful question!!  Of course not!  She politely denied that and explained him that the flavors were natural.  It tastes only very slightly sweet (not like ice/dessert wine) and I liked it - so we bought 2 bottles.
これはアイスワイン、Vin de Glace。蜂蜜の風味がする、かなり甘いワインです。これはお土産用に1本買いました。

We also tasted the ice wine, Vin de Glace.  It has honey/apricot flavors and very sweet.  We bought one bottle for a gift as well. 

Then we got hungry and decided to have lunch at the restaurant owned by this winery.

I don't think this baguette was home-made, but it was not bad!
夫はスープ (又はサラダ) とメイン、デザートとコーヒーつきのランチセットを注文。これは野菜のスープ。野菜の味は良く出ていましたが、ちょっと塩味が足りないような。

My husband had table d’hôte (soup/salad, main, dessert and coffee/tea).  This is the vegetable soup.  It had a good vegetable flavor, but needed a little bit of salt...

I only ordered the main dish - chicken breast and sauce La Marquise. It was very simple, home-style cooking.

My husband's main was the duck cuisseau with cranberry and Orpailleur red wine sauce.  This was also home-style dish.

The dessert did not look very appealing to me, so I didn't taste it.  After the lunch, we headed to our hotel in Montreal.

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