Saturday, July 2, 2011

Trip to San Diego & Los Angeles - Day 3 (2)

お昼ごはんの後は夫の友人 (の会社?) が出資しているカフェ、OZERO by Cofftea へお茶を飲みに行きました。友人と一緒に行くと全品半額です。

After the lunch, we visited the café “OZERO by Cofftea” of which our friend (his company?) is one of the investors.  Everything is 50% off when we go there with him!
私以外の人は燒仙草という薬草 (?) のゼリーの入った飲み物を注文。私以外の人は燒仙草という薬草 (?) のゼリーの入った飲み物を注文。これはたいてい漢方くさい匂いがするのであまり好きではないのですが、ここのは飲みやすかったです。

Everyone but me ordered the brown sugar with grass jelly drink.  I don't generally like this drink as it tastes Chinese herbal medicine, but this one was not too bad.

I ordered the passion fruit green with lychee jelly. It was too sweet for me, but later I was told that you could ask for no/less sugar.  It came in a huge glass and I could drink only half of it...

My husband and his friend ordered the toast.  When they ordered it, I was shocked as we just had a big lunch!  I was so stuffed that I couldn’t eat anything anymore...

In addition, they ordered the milk tea with tapioca to go.  I really wonder how much they can eat...
その後いったん友人の家に帰って一休み。外は気温35度くらいでどこへも行く気がしません。しばらくまったりとした後、今度は夕食を食べに行くことに。私は全くこれっぽっちもおなかすいてなかったのですが、みんなが行くというので仕方なく出かけました。夜もまた永康街という名前の台湾料理店へ。夫に言わせると、台北よりも LA の方が台湾料理屋さんの種類が多くておいしいといってました。ほんまかいな。でもまあ私たちが台湾に行って食べるお料理のほとんどは LA で食べることができます。

Then we went back to our friends' place and took a break.  It was so hot outside (nearly 100°F), and we didn’t feel going out.  After several hours, it was already a dinner time!! I  wasn’t hungry AT ALL but since everyone was going, I had to go with them...  We went to Hao's Kitchen, a small Taiwanese restaurant.  My husband said LA has more Taiwanese restaurants than Taipei.  I think he was a bit exaggerating, but, but indeed most of the food we usually have while in Taiwan can be found in LA..

The minced pork over steamed rice.  I love this dish!

The dang dang noodles.  This was just OK.

The grilled fish.  I wasn’t sure what kind of fish this was, but it was a bit smelly and I didn’t like it.
(多分) 白切大腸。豚の腸だと思うのですが、私は好きではないのでパス。

The white cut chitterlings.  I don’t like intestines, so I didn’t eat this dish.

And the spicy stinky tofu pot.

The stinky tofu itself (that you can find in night markets in Taiwan) is very, very stinky and I can’t stand its smell, but in this dish it didn’t smell too bad – because it was in the spicy broth??

I don’t eat stinky tofu (I really hate its smell), but since this one had only mild smell, I tried it.  Actually it wasn’t too bad – at least it was edible.  Maybe I should try the real stinky tofu next time (NOT!!!).

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