Friday, July 1, 2011

Trip to San Diego & Los Angeles - Day 2 (1)


This morning mu husband went to work, but I was too tired to get up and slept until 11 am...  Then two of his colleagues in San Diego invited us to join them for the lunch.

2人ともベトナム系アメリカ人なので、ベトナム料理のお店、Mien Trung Restaurant へ。ボストンとは違ってベトナム人向けのお店がたくさんあります。

Both of them are Vietnamese – Americans, so they brought us to the Vietnamese restaurant, Mien Trung Restaurant.   Unlike in Boston, San Diego appears to have a big Vietnamese population and thus many Vietnamese restaurants and supermarkets can be found.
夫の同僚たちはブンリエウ (Bun Rieu) という蟹のスープのヌードル。一口味見させてもらったのですが蟹の味が良く出ていておいしい!

Both of the colleagues ordered the noodle soup called "Bun Rieu" (the rice vermicelli in crab broth soup).  I tasted a bit of soup, and it had a very good crab flavor.  I loved it.
夫はフエ風の牛肉汁ビーフン (Bún bò Huế) を注文。辛くて、ちょっと酸っぱくて、でもあっさりしていてこれまたおいしい!

My husband ordered the Bún bò Huế (rice vermicelli soup with spicy beef).  It was spicy, a bit sour, and very light.  This was very good, too! 
そして私が注文したのはミークアン (Mì Quảng) という海老とポークの麺。ラスクラッカー、ピーナツも入っていて、色々な食感が楽しめます。

And I ordered the Mì Quảng, shrimp and pork noodle soup.  It had shrimp, rice crackers, peanuts, etc.

Each bowl had a different kind of noodles – mine had the flat yellow noodles (which I’ve never eaten before).  The color is from turmeric.  The soup had very complicated and rich flavors. It was very good.
その後、夫の同僚のお勧めのケーキ屋さん、Sage へデザートを食べに行きました。日本人の方が経営されています。

Then we went to the cake shop, Sage, that the colleagues recommended. It is owned/operated by a Japanese guy.

According to the colleagues this shop is very popular and cakes run out very quickly. They said their Napoleons are very good, but it was already sold out by the time we visited at ~1 pm. We ordered 5 pieces of cakes. This one is the (Japanese style) cheese cake. It was very light and has a very familiar taste.

This is the tiramisu. I heard this one is also a popular item. It was not too sweet, and I loved the bitterness of coffee inside.

This is the banana mousse. It had a good, strong banana flavor.

This is another type of cheese cake. It was more dense and creamy than the Japanese style one.

And this was my favorite, the caramel cake. It had a bit of saltiness and very good!

After the lunch (and big desserts), the colleagues brought us to Torrey Pines.  Here, you can enjoy paragliding and hang gliding flights.  I was wondering if they (my husband and his colleagues) didn't have to go back to work, but I guessed nobody was working today (the day before the Independence Day long weekend)...

Many people were enjoying paragliding flights. It looked soooo nice to fly over such a beautiful beach.

I really wanted to try, but unfortunately we had no time and so I gave up. Maybe next time!
このビーチ (の一部?) はヌーディストビーチらしいのですがこのときは監視員以外の人は見当たりませんでした。

This beach (a part of the beach?) appears to be the nude beach, but we only saw a life guard this time...
美しい景色を堪能した後は、すぐ横にある有名な Salk Institute という研究所に立ち寄りました。この研究所は高級リゾートホテルかと思う位素敵なところでした。私ならこんなところで毎日研究する気分にはならないな~なんて思ってしまいます。夫の同僚は今の会社に転職する前は2人ともここで働いていたそうです。

Then we visited Salk Institute (right by Torrey Pines), the biomedical research institute.  The colleagues used to work here before they moved to the current employer.  The institute looks like a luxurious resort hotel.  I don't think I would feel like working in such a nice place...
通路の舗装にはこの研究所の創立者、Jonas Salk 博士 (ポリオワクチンを開発した人) の座右の銘 (?) が。日本語にすると“希望とは夢をかなえようと挑戦する人々の夢、想像力、そして勇気の中にある”というところでしょうか。ちなみに、DNA の二重螺旋構造の発見者の一人、Francis Crick 博士もここに在籍したそうです。

On the paving stone was the words of Dr. Jonas Salk (who is the founder of the institute and the developer of the polio vaccine).  Dr. Francis Crick who was one of two discoverer of DNA double-helix structure was at this institute as well.
これは研究所の受付前に展示してある、デイル・チフリー (Dale Chihuly) のガラス彫刻。 "太陽" という作品名です。こんな芸術品が飾ってあるなんて素敵ですね。

This is the glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly, exhibited at the reception area.  Its name is "The Sun".  It is nice to see beautiful art work in a scientific institute.

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