Monday, May 30, 2011

Day Trip to Ogunquit, Maine (2)


After being satisfied with the good meal, we walked around the town.   This is the bridge at Perkins Cove.

The view from the bridge toward the restaurant we just ate at.

Many lobster boats on the water.

The view from the bridge toward the ocean.

The boat painted with a humorous shark.

We also stop by at this candy shop every time we come to Ogunquit.
私がキャンディーを買ってお店から出てくると、外で待っていた来福君と Poirot はまたしても大興奮。何かもらえると思ってるんでしょうが、あなたたちはキャンディーなんか食べられませんよ!

As soon as I came out of the candy shop with some sweets in my hand, Poirot and Laifu (who were waiting outside) got so excited.  I know you guys are expecting some sweets, but they are not for you!!
その後 Ogunquit の町を後にして、York にある Brown's Old Fashion Ice Cream へアイスクリームを食べに行きました。ここも私達が毎回立ち寄るお店です。

Then we drove down to York to get some delicious ice cream at Brown's Old Fashion Ice Cream.  This is also the must-go shop when we are in the area.
去年は2つのフレーバーを注文したら巨大なものが出てきて (2つ以上のフレーバーを注文するにはラージサイズしかない) 食べ切れなかったで、今回は "Kid size" という、スモールよりもさらに小さいものを2つ注文。私はメープルウォルナッツ味。

Last year we ordered two flavors and found out it was humongous (to get more than 2 flavors, you have to order the large size) and we couldn't finish even half of it.  So this year, we made two separate orders of the kid size.  I picked the maple walnuts.
夫はオレンジパイナップル。カップがかなり小さかったので、一瞬これなら全部食べられると思ったのですが、実はこの小さいカップにこれでもかというくらいがちがちにアイスクリームが詰め込まれていて (スプーンが入らないくらい) 半分くらい食べたところで飽きてきました。

My husband chose the orange-pineapple.  The cups looked pretty small so at first I thought I could finish all of it.  But I was wrong - the cup was totally, completely packed with a lot of ice cream.  In fact it was packed so hard and tight that I couldn't even scoop it out with the spoon.  After eating half of it, I got tired of it (albeit it was tasty). 
Poirot はもうアイスクリームしか眼中にありません。

Once Poirot found out we were eating ice cream, nothing but the ice cream was in his mind....

Laifu also got excited and stood up, begging for his share to my husband.  We gave a little bit of ice cream to Poirot and Laifu.  They were sooo happy.
アイスクリームを食べた後はすぐ近くにある Nubble Lighthouse へやって来ました。

After the ice cream, we visited Nubble Lighthouse nearby.
"来福君、写真、写真! カメラの方向いて!"

"Hey Laifu, it's picture time!!  Look at the camera!"
"Ummm, I am so tired..."

"OK, how about this?"
"Perfect! We both look photogenic!"

We had very wonderful weather today. 

It was a very nice day today - we had great lobster meals, enjoyed walking with two boys, etc.  So sad the holiday weekend was already over.  We have to go back to work tomorrow!!

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