Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lunch at Bon Chon

今日は Allston に来たついでに、新しくできた (というか、以前にもあったのですが一度ボストンからは撤退し、数ヶ月前にまたオープンした) Bon Chon へ行ってみました。ここはフライドチキンで有名なお店で、一度ニュージャージーの友人の所で食べた時は (テイクアウトでしたが) おいしいという印象があったので楽しみ。

Today we had something to do in Allston, so we stopped by at Bon Chon, a new Korean restaurant (well, it used to be in the same area but it was closed then reopened recently).  It is well known for their fried chickens.  I once had their chickens when I visited my friend in NJ (it was a takeout), and liked it, so I was looking forward to trying it in Boston.
メニューを見てちょっとびっくり。韓国料理店なのにに50%以上は日本のお料理が占めています。ビールもキリンとサッポロ (+ アメリカンブランド)。この時点で私の中では怪しいという疑念がちょっと芽生えました。

I was a bit surprised when I looked at their menu - although it is the Korean restaurant, more than 50% of their dishes are Japanese.  They only had Japanese beer (+ some American brands).  I got a little suspicious...
日本料理店以外で日本料理は注文しないことにしているので (結構多いんですよね、中華、韓国、タイ料理店なのにお寿司がメニューにあったりするレストランが。おいしくないし!)、少ない韓国料理の選択肢の中からチジミを注文。中は生焼けです。2切れ食べて後は全部夫行き。

I refuse to order Japanese foods at non-Japanese restaurant (because I know I get disappointed), so we decided to order a seafood Korean pancake from the very limited Korean menu.  It was uncooked inside.  I had two small pieces, then my husband ate the rest...
これがフライドチキン。ミディアムサイズで、ソースはスパイシーと醤油味を半分ずつ。噂では注文してから揚げるので30分位待つと聞いていたのですが、15分ほどで出てきました。ますます怪しいと思いながら食べてみると、熱々じゃない! 作り置きしているのでしょうか。確かに表面がぱりぱりで、その点は気に入ったのですが、お肉はぱさっとしていてソースの味でごまかしているような感じ。KFC のほうがお肉もジューシーでまだおいしいかも。

This is the combination plate (wings and drums), medium size.  We asked for half & half of spicy sauce and soy/ginger sauce.  I heard that these are cook to order and it usually takes ~30 min.  But this plate was served within 15 min of our order.  My suspicion grew bigger, but I tried it anyway.  Mmmm, it was not piping hot as I expected.  It was just "warm".  Were these cooked in advance?  It was very crunchy outside and I liked the texture, but the meat was rather dry, and I think they try to mask chicken taste (or old oil flavor?) with the strong flavors of the sauce.  I would say even KFC makes juicier chickens at much cheaper price...
チキンについてきたコールスロー。なぜか無意味に辛くて (辛いもの好きの私でも) 食べられませんでした (コールスロー自体の味と辛さがマッチしてない)。

This coleslaw came with the chickens.  It was very spicy which did not go well with the coleslaw itself (I generally like spicy food, but not this one...).

This picked radish also came with the chicken plate.  At least this was good.

Since we couldn't finish the chickens, we asked for a doggie bag.  I only ate 3 pieces and the rest was taken care of by my husband.  I don't think we will come back here sometime soon..
二人でがっかりしながら、これまた1月15日に Allston にオープンしたばかりの日本人経営のその名も "Sakanaya" というお魚屋さんに行ってみました。ご主人は以前築地で働いておられたそうです。

After the lunch we headed to the nearby Japanese fish market called "Sakanaya" (meaning fish market in English).  This shop just opened on January 15, and the owner (Japanese) used to work at Tsukiji fish market (very famous fish market in Japan).

Wide variety of sashimi-grade fish were in the showcase.  They are not cheap, but as long as they are fresh and tasty, I don't mind paying a little bit of extra.

This time, we just bought some raw tuna.  It was very good.  At this time, they sell only raw fish, but soon will have grilled fish, etc.  They also can prepare sushi and other food depending on your budget.  I'll order some sushi next time.

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