Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dinner at Exchange Street Bistro

今夜はこのブログにも何回か登場している、近所のお気に入りのレストラン、Exchange Street Bistro へ行って来ました。今回も、 で $2 で購入した $25 分のお食事券を利用 (差額の $23 分が割引額)。

Today we went to Exchange Street Bistro that is close to our house and we go often (I previously mentioned this restaurant several times).  This time, again, we used the coupon I purchased at (I paid $2 for $25 coupon).
この Blue Moon というビールはあまり苦くなくて、ビール嫌いの私にも割りと飲みやすい味。

This beer, Blue Moon, is not too bitter and even I can drink it a little bit (I don't like the bitterness of beer).
前菜に鮪を軽く炙ったものを注文すると、お蕎麦のサラダ (茹でたお蕎麦をドレッシングで和えています) と海草のサラダがついてきました。和食のアレンジで面白い。和食とは別物と思って食べると味はそこそこいけます。

As an appetizer, we shared the seared Tuna sashimi that was accompanied with the Soba noodles and seaweed salad.  It used Japanese ingredients, but the final products are not really (traditional) Japanese.  Interesting.
私はオーガニックのチキンの胸肉をグリルしたものを注文 (写真写りが悪くてすみません)。

For the main dish, I ordered the organic chicken breast (sorry for the poor quality of the picture).
かぼちゃのラビオリもついています。これが甘くておいしい! 鶏肉もナイフを入れると肉汁があふれてきてとてもジューシーです。

It came with 4 or 5 pieces of pumpkin raviolis, which were very sweet and yummy.  The chicken was also very juicy and I liked it very much.

My husband ordered the pork chop.  It is difficult to see in this picture but the meat was very thick.  I loved the vinegar peppers on top of the meat - it was slightly sour and had a good aroma.
中はまだピンク色で柔らかい! またまた大満足でうちに帰りました。5分で帰れるのが近所のお店のいいところ。

Inside of the meat was still pink.  Although it was thick, the meat was very tender and easy to cut.  We had the very satisfying meals here again.  And another benefit of the neighborhood restaurant is that we can go home in 5 min!

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